Software-In-The-Loop Simulation
Note: This tutorial is applicable for all Kerloud VTOL products.
We provide the Software-In-The-Loop (SITL) simulation environment for our customers to validate their onboard application software before real flights.
Due to environment dependencies, the SITL simulation can only be run on an Intel-64 PC with Ubuntu 18.04 instead of the onboard computer. The minimum hardware requirements are: an Intel i7 processor and 8GB RAM memory.
Environment Prerequisites
The required environment is Ubuntu 18.04 with ROS melodic and Gazebo 9 engine, and a complete PX4 development toolchain should be setup as well. Users can refer to instructions in and utilize the convenience scripts for quick setup. The setup commands are:
cd Tools/setup/custom
Invited customers will join our maintained repository SITL-space in Please keep updated since the repository will be upgraded regularly.
How to Use
The SITL simulation can be brought up simply by running:
cd <sitl-space directory> \
&& bash $PWD/bin/px4 none gazebo standard_vtol
Hopefully the gazebo 9 will show up with a virtual VTOL vehicle as given below:
Users can then start the Qgroundcontrol station and their customized ROS nodes for application development.