Virtual Simulation

The virtual simulation environment is provided as a standalone proprietary software package for our customers, and it can aid users to validate their code before real tests, as well as explore new capabilities by adding novel scenarios in the simulation engine.


The software package is delivered on additional payment, please consult our sales on how to purchase.

Environment Prerequisites

Due to environment dependencies, the virtual simulation can only be run on an Intel-64 PC with Ubuntu 18.04 instead of the onboard computer. The minimum hardware requirements are: an Intel i7 processor and 4GB RAM memory, and more powerful hardware setup is preferred for complex environment.

The required environment is Ubuntu 18.04 with ROS melodic and Gazebo 9 engine. We have prepared all software components well, so the software package can be launched with ease.

How to Use

The virtual simulation can be brought up simply by running:

cd ~/flyingrover_space/SITL_space_kerloud_flyingrover
bash $PWD/bin/px4 none gazebo kerloud_fr_scorpion

Hopefully the Gazebo 9 will show up with a virtual Kerloud flyingrover scorpion as given below:


Users can then start the Qgroundcontrol station and their customized ROS nodes for application development.


The virtual simulation software natively supports aforementioned offboard control tutorials, please try for fun!