Welcome to Kerloud Autocar’s documentation!



Autonomous driving cars are more likely to become a reality instead of a science fiction in recent years. The level 4 autonomy of autonomous driving is expected to be disruptive and available between 2020 and 2022, while full autonomy level 5 will arrive by 2030 at the earliest. Since it’s our mission to flatten barriers for science and technology innovations in both education and industries, we establish the Kerloud Autocar project to convey common basics of autonomous driving to the public.

About Us

Cloudkernel Technologies (Shenzhen) is a technology-driven company geared towards science and technology education in robotics. We offer the following main products and services:

  • Education products and courses, including unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV), unmanned ground vehicles (UGV), unmanned flying rovers (UFR) and AI education.

  • Industry solutions such as UAV autopilot, self-driving software suite.

Other products can be found in the following links:

Our main webpage is https://cloudkernel-tech.github.io, and you may contact us by email: contact@cloudkernel.cn.

欢迎来到 Kerloud Autocar 项目网站!


近年来自动驾驶汽车已经逐渐成为现实,而不是科幻。 4级自动驾驶水平在2020至2022年即将实现,5级全自主驾驶水平据预测最早会在2030年实现。 我们的愿景是为了移除或降低科技创新在教育和行业领域的门槛,所以我们开始了这个 Kerloud Autocar 项目,来传播自动驾驶汽车背后的设计知识。



  • 提供基于无人系统技术的教育产品和课程:包括无人机,无人车,无人飞车和人工智能教育

  • 提供部分行业核心解决方案,如无人机飞行控制器,无人驾驶软件方案等


我们的主页是 https://cloudkernel-tech.github.io, 你可以通过邮件contact@cloudkernel.cn联系到我们。